Do you also take a percentage of whatever composer's fee I make?
No, never - the money you earn writing your music is yours!

Why are you charging so little?
Ultimately you are the one who is going to do the work.

Can you get me work?
You will be able to your work for yourself - and you will learn exactly how. You will never feel lost.

Do I have to be in LA for you to take me on?
You no longer have to be located in LA! If you are already there, then great - but it is not necessary.

How discreet will you be?
Who you are and how you work will always remain completely and totally off the record.

How will you be in touch?
You can have have two half-hour face-to-face consultations with Deniz once a month, and unlimited email contact. If you don’t use your consultation time, then it will rollover into the following months, so long as you’re still subscribed.

Are there any ground rules?
There are only two: 1) your tasks must be done by you and only you, not a website developer or your assistant, 2) your tasks must be done in roughly a certain logical order - so let's say you want to reach out to your contact before you've got your tracks sounding great - that’ll mess your chances, since most of the time you have only that one opportunity to impress. In such a case it would be best for you to hold off.

What is your experience and background with doing this?
I’ve helped hundreds of composers such as yourself - if you’re really curious, please read my bio here.

You say you have contacts, how would they help me?
My contacts are your contacts, and they can truly help you, whenever you need the help. But please keep in mind, only you can get your work. The big truth is, NO ONE will get you work but you!

I think I’m too old for this business - is that true?
It's no longer so important how old you are! What matters is that you have a strong online presence - one that does the work for you.

I think I don't have enough experience - can you still help me?
Absolutely, yes! This business is not about having a certain amount of experience, it’s about who you know. I’ve worked with composers who have had hundreds of credits on IMDb, and they’re still lost.

How are payments made?
You can use PayPal or your credit card - because it will be a subscription, the installments will automatically deducted from your account. Please reach out to Deniz if you have any problems with this.

What if I live in a country where PayPal transactions are not allowed?
You can use wire transfers from bank to bank without a problem - there is some preference to make payments a few months in advance in order lower any transaction fees, but that is entirely up to you.



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